
Thursday, 28 March 2013

My Paper Crane

We read Sadako's story about Hiroshima and I folded this peace crane.

Xtramaths Results

I need to improve in writing the answer quickly so I  get the answers right.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Paper Crane

We read Sadako's story about Hiroshima and I folded this peace crone.

Xtramaths Results

This is my results from my xtramaths the red box means I got them wrong and the green boxes means I got them right. It was tricky but it was a lot of fun.

Monday, 25 March 2013

Eastern Beach

Guess what? You won’t believe what happened on Monday 4 of March. Panmure Bridge went to Eastern Beach and when we got there we were allowed to wear mufti and thanks to Ms. Kirkpatrick’s friend she landed us some kayaks.

I sat down with my friends eating and enjoying the hot sunny day, We laughed and said some of our funniest jokes. I saw Mr Johnston had his swimsuit on and Ms. Kirkpatrick was way ahead of Mr Johnston because she was wearing her togs underneath her clothes.

I saw the first group going to Ms Kirkpatrick so they can practise their paddling so they know what to do when they go inside the water. I saw some of the kids falling in, but it was good because they had their life jackets on, and they were having a lot of fun falling.

Asmah and I were walking when someone hit me with a ball.  I was shocked like if a thunderstorm just came, it hurt so badly and I didn’t know who it was so I walked
away and went to play volleyball.

Later on when Asmah and I was walking I saw Mrs Hiddleston and asked her politely if I could borrow her camera.  She said “Yes” so I went and took pictures of the teachers.   I took a picture of the boys playing rugby in the water.  It was funny because Henry was going hard out.  

I wasn’t allowed to kayak because my parents didn’t let me, and I was pretty jealous because they were having so much fun and I was just watching them.  I saw quite a lot of people falling and trying to get back back on their kayaks.   I saw Mahdia coming and Mr Grady paddling for her and I felt sorry for Mr Grady and I bet he was exhausted.

After we had to come and get our bags and get ready to leave.  Everyone was unhappy that we were going to leave, but that day was the most funniest day of my life and the teachers worked hard to make it a great day, especially Ms Kirkpatrick and Mr Johnston.


Monday, 18 March 2013

Faces of Peace

L.I. - Be able to identify leaders of peace from history.

Match the faces to the name and description.  There should be no photos at the top when you have finished.

Bishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work against apartheid (separation of white and black people) in South Africa.*
Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her work with the sick and the poor in Calcutta.*
Martin Luther King Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his leadership against apartheid in America.*
The 14th Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his leadership of Tibet and peaceful negotiations with China.*
President Theodore Roosevelt helped to bring peace to many countries by negotiating peace treaties.*
Amnesty International was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their non-violent work to free political prisoners and their fight for human rights.*
Mahatma Gandhi was the pacifist (non-violent) leader of the Indian Independence Movement.*
The Red Cross was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their non-political help given to stop human suffering around the world.*
Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his leadership against apartheid in South Africa.*
Te Whiti was the pacifist (non-violent) leader of the Parihaka settlement.*